SCHOLARSHIP AND PUBLIC SPEAKING: Zenji Nio has lectured alongside the professors of a dozen universities including Harvard and Oxford (that praised Zenji's unique mastery over Sanskrit pronunciation and verses from key scriptures - from his own memory without any notes). Zenji Nio is also the ONLY Westerner awarded the "Eminent Buddhist Thinker" Award by Nagpur University. What's more is that Zenji Nio is the ONLY Buddhist scholar who generates "rock star excitement" among youth -- where people line up for a selfie with him. Furthermore, Zenji Nio also set an all-time record for speaking before a live audience of over 1 million assembled people - something NO other Western-based Buddhist can fathom. Moreover, one of Zenji Nio's speaking events can raise half a million dollars -- more than what "Western Buddhist" hippies and Buddhist scholars will see in their entire lives. What's even more is that while Buddhist monks can only cater to their own congregations, and "Western Buddhists" only cater to the "Shambala Sun crowd", Zenji Nio is a Buddhist expert who conducts services and prayers in multiple Asian languages and across ALL Buddhist denominations as ALL nations are at the Olympics. This is why Professor Habbar of George Washington University said "Zenji Nio blows away all Buddhist experts and speakers".
GLOBAL RELEVANCE: While the Buddhist narrative is limited to "virtue-signalling and kumbaya word salad by 3rd world refugee lamas and Western Buddhist hippies with NO real-world credentials", Zenji Nio made Buddhism relevant by bringing the Dharma to the world's biggest forum - the Olympics & Paralympics -- where Zenji Nio set an all-time record of ministering to more medalists than anyone in history - let alone any other Buddhist expert. From Buddhism being seen as "a hippy dippy religion for virtue signalling navel-gazers who sit in monasteries or low-achieving losers that pontificate on abstract nothingness", Zenji Nio transformed Buddhism to a motivational religion for winners and warriors. Buddhist nations Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Macau were dubbed by Time Magazine to be the world's most developed and advanced nations. They thrive on competing and dominating all world rankings as Asian Tiger nations. Mahayana First World Go-Getter and "Crazy Rich Asian" Buddhists cannot relate to "Uncle Tom refugee lamas or San Francisco hippies with no ambition and no ability" who write blogs on Buddhism -- and so Zenji Nio is unique in being taken seriously by global Buddhist delegations including rival superpowers Japan, China and Korea.
ASIAN PRIDE: Buddhism is the foundation of ASIAN civilization - inspiring the bulk of Asian art, literature, culture, costumes, history, heritage and civilization as a whole. Zenji Nio is the ONLY Buddhist expert to link Buddhist pride to Asian pride and he thus organized the biggest ever Asian Art Exhibit called "Enlightenment" -- sponsored by the Government of Canada and officially praised by the Governments of Japan, India, Canada, Netherlands, USA and the Royal Family of England that heads many museums. While Shambala Sun/Dharmawheel type "Western Buddhist" hippies try to shape the Buddhist narratives on Google and Wikipedia, they cannot relate to Asian culture or heritage and most White Buddhists have never even entered an Asian Buddhist temple - let alone speak any Asian language or lived in any Asian nation. Zenji Nio has challenged this White Man's Colonial Whitesplaining"Western Buddhist" narrative -- that even drove the famous blogger "Angry Asian Buddhist" to a premature death -- and made it clear ASIANS do NOT need "White Saviours wearing brownface or yellow-face" to speak on behalf of the Buddhist community which is 99.9% ASIAN.
PERSONAL SACRIFICE: Although Zenji Nio hails from an erudite Indian lineage and is registered by the Government of India as the Abbot of 36 Heritage Temples of National Importance, he renounced many comforts to represent Buddhism - the original State Religion of India that was genocided by Hindus and Muslims over a thousand years. Zenji Nio even refused bribes and stood up to threats and personal attacks from the powerful Hindu nationalists that attack minorities including Buddhists. While most "Western Buddhists" hide themselves behind anonymous avatars and pass snide remarks and virtue signal about "metta and loving kindness", Zenji Nio actually does the heavy-lifting by standing up for Dalits -- Untouchables -- who are the world's most oppressed peoples. This is why Vietnamese nuns said Zenji Nio is like a real-life modern Bodhidharma who renounced his Brahmin lineage and instead fought to empower the world's most marginalized as well as became a major force for Buddhism in Japan, China and Korea. Its easy to virtue signal and lecture about "happiness for all sentient beings" but Zenji Nio actually delivers with his actions AND his words unlike other Buddhist voices that are "all online virtue-signalling talk but no action".
CHALLENGING HERESY: The greatest Buddhist monks -- from Bodhidharma and Shinran to Saicho and Nichiren had the guts to fight the establishment when necessary -- not just virtue signal endlessly with safe, sanitized and saccharine positions in a desperate bid to be liked. Zenji Nio thus withstands the troll armies and establishment attacks by calling out heresy like a modern day Dharmapala. For example, Zenji Nio appreciates that the Dalai Lama and Thich Nhat Hanh helped introduce many Westerners to Buddhism and raised its profile. However, they have made serious mistakes that have to be corrected. For example, when Dalai Lama says "Buddhists should not promote Buddhism but direct all seekers to Islam, Christianity and Hinduism, and that Buddhist texts and temples don't matter" -- Zenji Nio clarifies that this goes against EVERYTHING Buddha taught and that Buddhists ARE supposed to promote Buddhism as well as honour and preserve Buddhist temples and scriptures. Similarly, when "Uncle Tom Thich Nhat Hanh" as he is called by Asians said "Buddhism is not a religion but a yoga practice, we don't worship Buddha and Christians can also be Buddhist" - Zenji Nio clarified that Buddhism IS a religion per EVERY constitution, court of law and university worldwide -- we DO PRAY to Buddhist deities and we DO believe in heavens, hells, afterlife, saints, clergy and holy texts -- all the trappings of a religion. Further, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism are in many ways opposed to Buddhism and so it is insanity for either Thich Nhat Hanh or Dalai Lama to subordinate Buddhism to other religions that have historically wiped Buddhism off several maps. Also, When Dalai Lama and Thich Nhat Hanh say "use Buddhism to make yourself a better Christian or Muslim", it shows they lack even a basic grasp of comparative world religions that are diametrically opposed to each other in fundamental ways. Noteworthy is that when correcting the false teachings of establishment gurus, ONLY Zenji Nio ALWAYS quotes scriptures -- IN SANSKRIT -- to back up his stance -- something NEITHER Dalai Lama NOR Thich Nhat Hanh are known to do. Similarly, when "Western Buddhist scholars" recycle the lie that Fudo Myoo is a form of Shiva, Zenji Nio points out that NOT ONE SCRIPTURE and NOT ONE TEMPLE honors Fudo Myoo as Shiva -- but ONLY as Dainichi Nyorai/ Vairocana Buddha. Further, ALL Fudo Myoo texts say Fudo Myoo KILLS Shiva in combat and resurrects him as a SLAVE of Buddha - so Fudo Myoo is the OPPOSITE OF SHIVA. Even when it comes to the translation of basic terms like Sukhavati -- Zenji Nio explains it means Jewelled Land of Bliss or Paradise" NOT Pure Land as sukh means joy - Pure would be Pavitra in Sanskrit. So Zenji Nio is the ONLY Buddhist expert with the KNOWLEDGE AND GUTS to correct the mistakes of other Buddhist establishment figures regardless of their fame or armies of cyber-bullies.
BUDDHIST EXTINCTION: While Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, "Western Buddhist" bloggers and authors of Shambala Sun (a White woman who proudly says "I don't even call myself Buddhist") have NEVER spoken about the Buddhist Extinction -- history's worst genocide -- and probably don't even know about it or care as they only equate Buddhism with saccharine, kumbaya, feel-good, virtue-signalling word salads, Zenji Nio is the FIRST MAINSTREAM Buddhist expert to bring up the Buddhist Extinction where EVERY Buddhist was killed or converted to Hinduism in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan. Zenji Nio's OWN ancestors were SLAUGHTERED in the Buddhist Holocaust -- something NO Whitesplaining "Western Buddhist" can even relate to. Zenji Nio organized the first ever Multifaith Commemoration of the Shoah (Jewish Holocaust)" and co-chaired a National Conclave against Antisemitism in association with the Simon Wiesenthal Center. His Jewish friends said they did not like the word "Holocaust" as it means "burnt offering for God" and they prefer the word Shoah. However, the Buddhist genocide would be considered a Holocaust as it was conducted in the name of the Hindu god Shiva (per Hindu and Buddhist authorities). Instead of learning lessons from the Buddhist Holocaust where Hindus destroyed Buddhism in India and Muslims destroyed Buddhism in Central Asia, Dalai Lama does open prayers and prostrations to both Shiva and Allah -- acts that would have any other monk be DISROBED and cancelled -- just like the incident with the 11 year old boy. Zenji Nio has published the most detailed research on the Buddhist Holocaust and is producing the first and only everSchindler's List type film for Buddhists -- shot in EVERY Major Buddhist nation worldwide. NO "Western Buddhist" or present day monk or lama or scholar can show any comparable contributions to the Buddhist world -- which explains why Zenji Nio enjoys unique rockstar status and engagement among ASIAN Buddhists worldwide. More details coming soon. Please visit SamuraiCenter.org, SamuraiBuddhism.com, Dalits.net and RevNio.org for more information.
Zenji Nio: Setting records in Buddhism
Zenji Nio has been invited to meet and speak alongside many Prime Ministers, Cabinet Ministers, Ambassadors, Mayors and other VVIPS. In this official photo released by the Prime Minister's Office, Zenji Nio is wearing an antique Japanese Buddhist stole with the Dharmachakra or Dharma Wheel of Buddhism
"Profiled with Harvard's Dean Professor Christopher Queen, Zenji Nio is a world-renowned expert in Japanese Buddhism - when they speak, the world listens" - Hitavada Newspaper
"Zenji Nio is the foremost Buddhist Expert in the world and custodian of the oldest Buddhist relics"- Indian Express
"Zenji Nio is the only Buddhist expert from Bodhidharma's lineage" - Times of India
"Zenji Nio is an authentic voice for the peoples of Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Vietnam & all Asian Tiger nations the majority of whose citizens still practice the Buddhism of Zenji's ancient Indian ancestors" - UN Report